Building and Supporting for the future

Safe Communities are teams that work towards common aims, in one environment with strong interdependencies.  They exhibit common commitment, loyalty and identity irrespective of gender, ethnic or generational differences, and are focused on eliminating areas of potential misunderstanding, build bridges across boundaries and have a thirst new ideas.

At Karrdale we help our clients build, strengthen and support their communities through a range of services, which include:

  • Community Health Checks

  • Community Leadership Attribute Assessment and Coaching

  • Creating space and time for Leaders to add value by removing waste


community health check


This assessment establishes the overall homogeneity of the team or organisation through a series of one- to-one and group discussions.  The Karrdale team reviews the style and effectiveness of the leadership, the organisational balance between self-reliance versus interdependence, shared commitment and aims, personal identities, marginalisation issues, as well as the welcoming of new newcomers and other areas. 

The outcomes of the Health Check together with recommendations for improvement are provided in a Video log.

Community Leadership Attribute Assessment & Coaching


Leadership performance is the fundamental driver of a community.  The key personal attributes the leaders exhibit will ultimately shape and form the community below them.  Though our Leadership Assessment and Coaching support program we are able to measure the performance of all Leaders, from CEOs to Supervisors, providing a spectrum of their performance against key attributes and communication styles. One-to-one coaching and on-going support is provided to guide improvements that allows each Leader to make positive steps towards being a better leader and reinforcing the community values they wish to move to.  On-going measurement against the Spectrum allow the leaders to map their development and improvement as the program progresses


Creating Space and time for Leaders to Add-Value by Removing Waste

removing waste.png

Creating strong homogeneous communities requires determined leadership effort and time.  Within any organisation time spent on value adding activities is vitally important to the success of any business.  In an environment where an organisation is striving to make changes and embark upon a program to shape and build a strong community it is essential that time is freed to make space for these changes to be driven through.  At Karrdale we help our clients create this space by making an assessment of the Value-Add/Non Value-Add (VA/NVA) balance within their organisation.  This is achieved through a review of the communication strategies, mapping and grading of meeting effectiveness and the value of reporting, as well as other areas.   A balance spectrum graph provides the overall VA/NVA time spent and improvement opportunities are tested and monitored through to success.